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percept, perception, perceive, perceiving 的用法
2023-08-26 15:41:54    哔哩哔哩



1. Percept: 这个词是"感知"或"知觉"的意思,主要用于心理学,指通过感官体验获得的信息。这个词比较少在日常对话中使用。   - 例句: "A percept is the mental result of perceiving, as opposed to the act or process of perceiving." 

2. Perception: 这个词具有"感知"、"观察"或"理解"的含义,它适用于许多情况,尤其是描述我们对周围环境的理解或理解方式。   - 例句: "Her perception of the situation was entirely different from mine." 

3. Perceive: 这是一个动词,意思是"察觉","理解"或"认知"。它通常用于描述通过感官或心理过程来理解某事物。   - 例句: "I perceived a change in his attitude." 

4. Perceiving: 这是动词 "perceive" 的现在分词形式,它描述的是正在发生的感知、理解或认知的过程。   - 例句: "She was perceiving the complex dynamics of the situation more clearly than anyone else." 

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